The study on climate resilient agriculture in coastal and floodplain regions ,was done by Manusher Jonno Foundation
About 50% of livestock, fisheries, and crops are affected by climate change in the coastal and floodplain areas of Bangladesh, a recent study finds.
Calling the Climate change impact “severe,” experts speaking at a workshop on Monday, said the coastal and floodplain areas of Bangladesh experience irregular rainfall and high salinity, which eventually affects livestock, fisheries, and crops.
The study on climate resilient agriculture in coastal and floodplain regions ,was done by Manusher Jonno Foundation. The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) funded the study.
The study findings were unveiled at the workshop on Monday at the Krishibid Institution Bangladesh (KIB) auditorium in Dhaka.
The research focused on Bhola, Bagerhat, Patuakhali, Satkhira, Barguna, Gaibandha, and Kurigram districts.
Climate change specialist Ainun Nishat, professor emeritus at Brac University, said a temperature rise between 1.5-2 degrees Celsius is safer for plants and animals.
Shaheen Anam, executive director of Manusher Jonno Foundation, said climate change has a negative impact on many things, but it does extensive damage to food security in particular.
Mir Nurul Alam, director general of the Department of Agriculture Extension, said the agriculture pressure on land will go down significantly if people change their diet patterns.
“We need to motivate people to cut rice from their daily diet. With that, people can get certain health benefits and pressure on our agricultural land will also decrease,” he said.
Presenting the study findings, Aparna Barman, consultant at Environmental Climate Change and Social Development Initiatives, said women have a significant involvement in livestock rearing and fisheries, whereas in the agriculture sector they are mostly involved in post-harvest work such as drying and boiling rice, and storing seeds of cereals, fruits, and vegetables.
However, women in Barguna do not have freedom to participate in agriculture, fisheries, and livestock related work, compared to women in other upazilas.
They recommended women associated with farming be provided proper training in agricultural technologies, fisheries, and livestock, to build capacity.
They also recommended effective coordination between the agriculture, fisheries, and livestock departments.
Mahbubur Rahman, program adviser of environment and climate change at the Embassy of Sweden, also attended the workshop.