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Research and Survey

ECSDI conducts custom research for projects. To find out actual condition of a fact or to find out constraints, possible solution and opportunities or to understand any market; research and study is a precondition. Our research and study is to find out what our client wants to know and we have records of successfully conducting research and study.

We have a skilled and energetic team to ensure the in-depth quality research and study. Our team is also skilled in research tools development. Our research includes:

  • Scoping Study: Stepping into new areas of work requires defining the scope and dimension of work, the required readiness of the market.
  • Feasibility Study: A bright business idea might not work in reality. It depends on the market dynamics, consumer behavior, economic and social condition, internal capacity of the organization in materializing the opportunities, capital generation, risk analysis, market growth and growth potentiality, etc. ECSDI has strategic mechanism in feasibility study that helps enterprises take decision in stepping into business.
  • Sub-sector & Value Chain Study: Sub-sector & value chain analysis is very much important for understanding market and starting positive change in market. Without understanding market, no positive change can be introduced. ECSDI has conducted many sub sector or value chain analyses successfully and thus, we have sound knowledge and experience on sub-sector, value chain, market and its trend.
  • Marketing Research: ECSDI provides services for the enterprises in conducting market research, consumer analysis, developing promotional materials, publications, etc.
  • Business Plan Preparation: Business plan is the strategic guideline for enterprises on how the business will be executed. Having involved in private sector/enterprise development for several years, ECSDI has the required capacity in drawing up business plan according to the clients need.

Baseline Survey

ECSD has rich experienced group of professional in undertaking baseline survey on variety of programme themes and areas including health, community development, economic development, agriculture, under service delivery etc. It uses a combination of research methodologies including direct enumeration, investigation, PRA methods, key informant interview, direct observation, appreciative enquiry etc. to gauge high standard research findings.

Impact Assessment

We use both social and statistical approach to gauge the impact of project interventions on the target population. We use comparative analysis based on pre and post intervention scenario to assess project impact. Occasionally, we base target vs control group comparison to assess project impact. We encourage use of complementary methods such as case study, appreciative enquiry, PRA in impact assessment study.

Opinion Survey

An opinion poll is a survey of public opinion from a particular sample. Opinion polls are usually designed to represent the opinions of a population by conducting a series of questions and then extrapolating generalities in ratio or within confidence intervals.